What is the purpose of CEO Journey?
- To gain a greater understanding of ourselves at critical turning points in our careers and lives.
- To live with more intentionality. Intentionality requires us to do deep inner work, and the two-day seminars provide the time, support and direction to accomplish the work.
- To gain insight, support and new ideas from other CEOs in the group.
What is the outcome that can be expected by attending these seminars?
- We live a fuller and more meaningful life.
- We manage transitions more effectively.
- We create a legacy with more clarity.
- We move from success to significance.
- We make more fully conscious choices.
- We improve our emotional/physical wellness
What are the guidelines for the group meetings?
- We embrace multiple personal right answers.
- We listen generously to each other.
- We individually decide what and how much to share.
- We maintain strict confidentiality.
- What we learn in these meetings we apply to our daily lives.
What is the curriculum of these meetings?
The proprietary curriculum is co-developed by Carole J. Parker, Ph.D., the group leader. We take a look at where we have been and where we are going. This process involves reflection and introspection, discussion, journaling, taking actions and risks, and next steps. Usually the meetings are at a university campus, but we also meet at popular resorts in different parts of the country. The curriculum is an ongoing process beginning with:
Shake Up Where am I now?
Self Expression What do I want?
Renewing What is my passion?
Integration How do I serve?
CEO Journey usually meets on a Thursday and Friday, six times a year. Each meeting focuses on a different part of the annual goal; for example, Where am I now? engages topics such as Identity, Security, Relationships, Power, and so forth.
We use the activity of journaling to reflect and record our progress. We meet in a place where we can completely be ourselves--to only express our thoughts, not to impress anyone. We review our journals at each meeting for the purpose of sharing our world with our kindred spirits in this CEO community. As we review, we can step back and reflect on the influence journaling has on our lives. We begin to see transitions that we intentionally choose, or we learn better ways to deal with other transitions that are presented to us.
We use movies, books, experiential learning and creativity (art forms) to reach all our different learning styles and senses. The meetings are interesting and very useful as we begin to apply different lenses to the way we can see the world.
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